Series Updates: Download The 100 season 4 , episode 13 ( Season Finale)

The only bad part about The 100’s season 4 finale is that we’ll have to wait a year to figure out what we witnessed in the last five minutes.

The hour was packed full of action in the best way possible: At the end of the world, the last few 100 delinquents (and a couple extras thrown in) must work together and find a way to survive. If that doesn’t just delight you with season 1 feels, then I don’t know why you’re still watching this show.

Jason Rothenberg told us he was hoping to pull off a “desperate,” “breathless” finale, and he definitely succeeded. Let’s get into it…

The episode begins with Octavia and Bellamy saying their goodbyes over the radio. Not only is O worried about her brother’s plan to live in space, she’s also concerned about being a leader to the 1,200 people in the bunker. Bellamy tells her she’s already succeeded at bringing about unity when neither he nor Clarke could.

“I love you, big brother — I guess it takes the end of the world for me to say it,” she says before the radio cuts out. Clarke comes in and realizes she won’t get to say goodbye to her mom………..





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