Series Updates: Download The 100 Season 5, Episode 8

Episode Info:

Download The 100 Season 5, Episode 8 but first , a little recap of the episode. Incase you missed the last episode, click here


This episode is all about peace at any price. Whatever the opposite of appeasement is, it seems everyone is racing toward, trading violence and death in the short term for a shot at peace in the long term. Only Monty and Harper seem to be looking for another way, peace without more death, though Kane certainly thinks that’s what he’s doing, rather than being co-opted.

There’s finally a payoff for a throwaway joke about Monty’s algae putting Murphy into a coma. It turns out that was no joke, and Bellamy has effectively put his sister on ice to save Clarke and keep the peace. I like this option – Bel killing O is unrealistic at this point and perhaps always – but if the previews are anything to go by, Bellamy may soon learn it’s best not to tempt fate, especially when your top doc has already run off to join the enemy. Download The 100 Season 5, Episode 8

Abby’s downward spiral continues as she tortures Raven into helping her save the miners. Raven is probably the person Abby is closest to, after Clarke and Kane, and they’ve been through so much together since their time on the arc. But their bond is about to be mangled in a big (perhaps irreparable) way. Adding to the betrayal of the torture, Abby encouraged Raven to think that Diyoza was threatening her life, getting Raven to abandon her plan to “save” Abby, when in reality it was for her pills. Download The 100 Season 5, Episode 8

It still feels like there’s more to Raven’s sudden decision to allow Echo to kill Shaw. Yes, she has been deeply hurt and is more resolved than ever to take down Diyoza, but that won’t make Raven abandon who she is. It’s unclear if she’s working Shaw or Echo at this point, but either way there’s more to this story.

I’m hoping the Diyoza-Kane bond is also more than it seems, because right now it comes across like Kane’s former mentee banished him so he went and got himself a new one, someone who’s personality he appears to have immediately changed. Yes, it will be fun to watch McReary and Diyoza face off, and eventually to see Diyoza versus Octavia, but I hope Diyoza is playing Kane and Bellamy. Otherwise, she has simply changed her personality at the drop of a hat so that Octavia could be the villain. This show has always reveled in the grey areas, and the idea that Octavia is needlessly ruthless feels a bit lifeless and flat.

The idea that Diyoza sees McCreary as solely a problem and is ok with him being killed feels like it came about far too quickly. Likewise, Diyoza’s word that everything would be fine if Wonkru surrenders can’t possibly be true – when will we get to see what she has up her sleeve? Download The 100 Season 5, Episode 8

Vincent will be a fun wild card this season. The granny cord for his glasses somehow makes him look more menacing, like Steve Buscemi’s mild-mannered serial killer in Con Air. Aside from being cured and a killer, he seems to have taken an interest in Abby and Raven, and he is now the only person other than Abby and Diyoza who knows about the cure.







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