Series Updates: Download The Flash Season 4, Episode 14



It’s one step forward and two steps back for Team Flash this week, where the gang figures out a piece of the Devoe puzzle, but at great cost. It’s also a time for the supporting characters to shine, with Ralph, Harry, and Cecile stepping into the spotlight for a while.

Barry seemed to be channeling Oliver Queen this week, with his intense training regime. I’ll be curious to see if this leads to Barry having a heart to heart with either Oliver or Joe on the subject. It seems clear that Barry’s intensity, much like Oliver’s, is due to a real fear for the safety of everyone involved, as well as the mounting pressure of feeling like he personally bears that responsibility in a way that the others don’t. Team Flash has always been a bit more egalitarian than Team Arrow, so I doubt the idea that Barry thinks he’s the one who is really responsible would sit all that well with Iris, Joe, Cisco or Caitlin, who have put so much of themselves into the team and have sacrificed so much for it. Barry and Iris’s differing styles continue to differ, which is not a problem in and of itself, but their communication around the issue doesn’t seem to have improved all that much, either.


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