Series Updates: Download The Gifted Season 1 , Episode 3

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Download The Gifted Season 1 , Episode 3, first, alittle recap


Three episodes in, and The Gifted is not slowing down. This was another episode of breakneck escapes and paranoid confrontations, and thankfully Reed managed to not be a total butt this time.

We start off with an introduction to Marcos and Lorna’s relationship, which is helpful because their separation is gearing up to be a massive plot engine and all we’ve seen of them was their brief exchange at the very beginning of the pilot. Once upon a time, it was Marcos who learned about the Mutant Underground from someone else. They hit it off immediately, especially once Polaris showed off her floating abilities (thank you, metal boots). This scene could have been cliché, but it quickly became beautiful once these two mutants realized that by touching their magnetic and solar powers together, they could create a miniature version of the Northern Lights. Literally who could top this level of #relationshipgoals?


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