Would You Date Your Best Friend? 6 Reasons It’s Good To Date Your Best Friend

1. You’ve probably already had your first date

He already knows your favorite color, and he understands your personal views of the future. And since this “first date” was likely a friendly hangout, this information was revealed without anxiety or nerves. Obviously you know that he likes hanging out with you, so you don’t have to interpret vague texts or lament with your girlfriends about the issue.

First dates are the absolute worst. By dating your best friend, you’ve already moved past all of the “getting to know you” awkward parts


2. He might have already met your family
Meeting parents is massively stressful, but if this guy has hung around you enough, he’s already familiar with your mom and dad. And unless your parents ever pulled you aside with advice like, “I don’t trust this hooligan!” he already gets the parental seal of approval. In fact, if you mention the relationship to your parents, you’ll probably get the response of “Finally!” or “It’s about time!” or “So when will we have grandkids?” (One step at a time here, Dad.)

3. You both have a lot on the line
Granted, there’s a chance that the two of you might just be a romantic mismatch. And there’s a chance that this failed experiment might tarnish the friendship entirely. It’s a scary situation! This has been your go-to guy for years, so you can’t even imagine the possibility of removing him from your life if there’s no love connection.

Your best friend is also scared about this possibility, but you know what? You’re worth the risk. Knowing that this relationship will probably move much more quickly than the guy you successfully swiped on Tinder is a reality that both of you will face, but if you both agree to take the steps, you’re both (as Luke Danes might say) “all in.”

And, hey — It could also end up being a Jerry and Elaine situation, which would also turn out pretty amazingly.

4. He already knows about your past relationships
Unless you just met him and bonded instantly, he’s probably seen — or at least heard about — your dating disasters of the past. And, likewise. You’ve probably heard about how his last girlfriend was possessive, or needy, or crazy, or in a secret cult, or all of the above. While these events may have been traumatizing for the both of you at the time, the positive spin is that you both know what doesn’t work in a relationship with the other person. This is key in starting a happy and healthy new relationship. So, if he knows that you were dumped due to an ex’s cheating ways, he’ll obviously know that you’ll be ultra sensitive on the issue, and won’t even make jokes about the matter.

5. You know that you already have a ton in common
Obviously there’s a shared interest or two which caused you to meet up in the first place. Or, maybe it was a mutual friend who brought you together. Whatever it is, you know that a lot of your interests are aligned. If they weren’t, you would have hid him on Facebook the second that feature became available. Especially if he’s somewhat of a social media over-sharer.


If you both bond over something, dates won’t be as hard to plan. For example, if you’re both psyched about the outdoors, a hike will never be boring. If you both like music, you can always check to see who’s playing at the local club. A date can simply be an event you’ve wanted to check out anyway, and probably would have, regardless of your romantic status.

6. He’s fully aware of your bad habits
Let’s face it, we’ve all got one (or 12). He might joke about your gross (yet satisfying) nail biting habit, or he’s probably aware that one glass of wine too many makes you weirdly political in social settings.

When you’re dating, you’re just cringing over anticipation of the moment when these habits come to light. You’ll be wondering if whether or not eating scoopfuls of peanut butter from the jar will be his dealbreaker, or if the fact that your socks are bunched together like a pile of unmatched nightmares will turn him off. Your best friend accepts you for you. And it’s such a good feeling.

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