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You slowly kill your relationship when you let your relationship lose its spark. There are certain things you might be guilty of that kills the spark in your relationship.Below are 12 reasons why relationships lose their spark
1. Relationships lose their spark when couples fail to spend quality time together.
2. Relationships lose their spark when couples let themselves go physically and fail to take good care of themselves.
3. Relationships lose their spark when couples stop making their partner feel special and loved by indulging in things that excite their partner excited.
4. Relationships lose their spark when couples fail to pay attention to one another.
5. Relationships lose their spark when couples stop trying new things together.
6. Relationships lose their spark when couples harbour anger and hold on to resentment.
7. Relationships lose their spark when couples stop being honest with each other.
8. Relationships lose their spark when couples wash their dirty laundry in public.
9. Relationships lose their spark when couples fail to forgive each other. We all make mistakes.
10. Relationships lose their spark when couples make a big issue out of nothing.
11. Relationships lose their spark when couples take each other for granted and stop making their partner feel special.
12. Relationships lose their spark when couples stop trusting each other.

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