The “ABLE GOD” is a song by DOTUN ADEYEMO that brings a message of reassurance, that you know what?  Come what may (whatever torment, predicament or situation that seem as though no further solution) this song introduces you to the limitless ability of our God, as much you believe and can trust in him, just keep rejoicing in faith for He’s gonna MAKE A WAY eventually. This song is gonna make you POP and come on to the light of the faith in God’s dominating power.


Adeyemo Dotun Elijah is one of the very young and vibrant Gospel artist with an excellently distinct sensation in his singing style and brand. Dotun, still in his early 20s is an urban contemporary gospel singer although very “versatile”. He was born in Sokoto state. According to Dotun, he got most of his musical exposure listening to great Gospel legends like Travis Greene, Todd Dulaney, Frank Edwards, Nathaniel Bassey, and of course Florocka and a lot more….

  Dotun began his music career at a very early age, became a music director at first baptist church Maiduguri at the age of seventeen. He is known for his excellent delivery on stage and extreme grace to launch God’s people to his most high presence through WORSHIP. The song “Able God” which was recorded at Heartbeat studios and produced by Tpee is a classic Christian/Gospel style that is outstanding and a rare genre amongst other Nigerian Gospel artist, and this music may turn out to be one of the best soul – lifting and accepted songs of 2018.



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