Fifty al-Shabab fighters involved in Kenya police raid

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Residents of a village in north-eastern Kenya have been describing how al-Shabab fighters overran a police station overnight.

They said the militants set the station alight, before leaving with a police vehicle and stealing some weapons.

Fourteen officers were reportedly stationed at the police post in Hamey, near the border with Somalia.

A police spokesperson said 50 attackers travelling in two vehicles were involved and two officers were missing.

Al-Shabab says it took two officers captive and killed six others during the raid (see earlier post).

It comes as the country marks three years since the Westgate mall attack in the capital, Nairobi, when 67 people were killed.

Al-Shabab has repeatedly launched attacks in Kenya since the country joined the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia in 2011.

People during the Westgate mall siege in Nairobi, Kenya - 2013
The Westgate siege went on for four days

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