France threatens to impose sanctions on DR Congo

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President Kabila of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Despite mounting pressure, President Kabila has remained quiet over his intentions in respect of a new presidential bid

The President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Joseph Kabila, must abide by the constitution and step down at the end of his current term, France’s Foreign Minister Jean-Mark Ayrault said in an interview with francophone current affairs channel, TV5.

Mr Ayrault was renewing a call he issued last week when addressing students in Paris. This time, he addressed criticism that France is meddling in Congolese internal affairs, arguing his country is not alone in reminding Kabila to play by the rules.

He told the channel:

President Kabila must set the example. He must abide by the constitution. If sanctions are needed, we will resort to sanctions.

I call people to be reasonable; people in power in the Democratic Republic of Congo must assume their responsibilities. If they want peace in their country, if they are concerned about the welfare of their people, they must abide by the constitution.”

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