Full Movie: Alex Strangelove (2018) HD

Movie Info:

The film follows Alex Truelove (Daniel Doheny), the kind of affable, everybody’s-kind-of-friends with him guy; popular enough to be elected class president, not popular enough to have had sex yet. He’s a bit of a nerd (the science-y kind; he’s obsessed with cephalopods,) but not too socially awkward to have a girlfriend, Claire (Madeline Weinstein). We never see him bullied in the present day, there is nothing particularly tragic about his middle-class existence.

Alex is consumed by the fact that he hasn’t had sex yet, made worse by the pestering of his friends. He and Claire have positioned themselves at a remove from the more carnal aspects of teenager-dom, showing up for all the school dances in jokey costumes, and commentating on their more lascivious peers on their wildlife-documentary-style YouTube channel. (The YouTube material, which comes back as a thematic button in the film’s final moments, feels a little extraneous in what otherwise feels like a pretty timeless narrative.) They have decided they are above sex, which of course is easily recognizable as barely concealed terror. When they finally decide they’d better do it, and make big plans for the occasion, Alex begins to think about what he really wants, something further complicated when he meets a cute guy from another school over a passed joint at a theater-kid party.


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