Movie download: The Flash recap: Season 3, Episode 4

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With Captain Cold and Heat Wave somewhere in the time stream — and Pied Piper becoming a good guy — there’s a big hole in National City when it comes to Rogue. Thankfully, two metahumans make their highly anticipated debut in tonight’s episode to fill that gap. Shall we dive in?

Picking up where we left off last week, Joe shows the rest of Team Flash the Iron Heights footage to give them an idea of what they’re facing. Unfortunately, no one has any clue what to make of what Doctor Alchemy is seen doing in the video. To keep their mind off things, Barry and Jesse decide to do some training, which leads to one of my favorite lines of the show thus far: “Oh my god, I’ve become Oliver,” says Barry after explaining to Jesse the importance of thinking before acting………………………………………………………………………



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