Movie Update: Download Scorpion Season 3, Episode 6

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You know when the episode is titled, “Bat Poop Crazy,” that you are in for a fun ride.

On Scorpion Season 3 Episode 6, the team faced their toughest adversaries. For Walter and Happy, it was their INS agent. For Sly, it was bats.

Which one was scarier? Well, Walter and Happy didn’t get rabies from the INS agent, so Sly might win this round.

Halloween Past - Scorpion

The case of the week is not anything special. It didn’t really captivate your attention, except for the scenes were Sly was battling bats. Those were downright hilarious, and his shrieking was just perfection.

Honestly though, the case was a little boring. There wasn’t any real suspenseful moments. There weren’t any tense or action packed scenes. Sure, there were some cave ins, but those didn’t really put you on the edge of your seat.

I’m honestly still a little fuzzy on why exactly they were needed to save the bats, but whatever, the bats are safe and sound. Huzzah!


What did you think of the case? Did you enjoy the spelunking adventure? I don’t think I could handle crawling through those tight spaces.

It’s interesting that while Walter said faking emotion is hard, he excelled at portraying emotion when he was telling Paige’s Halloween story with a slight twist. Whenever it comes to Paige, it is easier for Walter to be emotional and open up.

I’m not saying he’s perfect at it, but if he wouldn’t have spoken to Paige about her Halloween memories, Walter probably wouldn’t have had anything to say to the INS agent. It would have been him and Happy stammering on, trying to come up with a story to save their asses.

When it comes to Paige, Walter doesn’t have to fake his emotions. Even though, like Toby said, Walter is playing with fire, Walter manipulating Paige’s Halloween tale to make her feel better was a sweet moment.

Speaking of Paige, Toby brought up an interesting point – no one knows her.

The genius side of Team Scorpion knows everything about each other because they have been friends – they have been a team – for years. They know a good bit about everyone’s upbringing and family. Paige, on the other hand, is a mystery………………………………………………………


Download Season 3, Episode 6


By popular demand, we got to discovered we missed out Episode 4.. For those asking for Episode 4, here it is below…


Season 3, Episode 4




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