Movie Update: Frequency Season 1, Episode 6

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How convenient would it be to have a radio that allowed you to talk with the past? I could tell my younger self to avoid pixie haircuts, save more money, and never ever laugh at the idea of a Trump presidency.


Of course, I wouldn’t be dealing with life or death, like Frank and Raimy. They have been playing with the past for a few episodes now (I think it’s weeks in their timeline, but I can’t keep track), and they still have a lot to learn.

The last we saw Nightingale, he was burning his truck in the woods. The episode starts on Nov. 10, 1996, when two kids find the burnt truck in the woods, but there’s more: Carmen Salina’s body is underneath. Frank is upset he couldn’t save Carmen and let the killer get away, but Satch tells him there’s a silver lining: Nightingale is slipping and they’ll be able to catch him.


When Frank and Raimy talk on the ham next, she tells him Nightingale’s next victim, Amanda Baldwin, will be taken in two days. Using the hospital’s security footage to track the blue truck over the past few days, Frank is able to convince Satch that Amanda’s the next target. So Frank and Satch tail Amanda and — what do you know? — see the Nightingale go after her. They take him down and it’s the end of the series! JK, it turns out to be a kid selling Amanda some bootleg DVDs.

In the future, Raimy is tied up with a different part of the Nightingale case. A prisoner named Karl says he has info, but will only talk to Det. Raimy Sullivan. She thinks the man, who’s behind bars for murdering his neighbor with hedge clippers, is a nut and wasting her time. She’s about to leave the room when he says he can talk to himself in the future — that stops her in her tracks.

As an explanation, he says he wanted to prove the fact that “time is infinite,” so he created a communication device. Raimy wants him to tell her how he did it, but he only draws a tree. This is the “the idiot’s version”: Imagine the Nightingale is a tree and the branches are his victims. You can cut off the first branch — Amanda — but she or another victim will just pop up as a branch farther up the tree. To truly change the future, you have to cut off the trunk………………………………….




Did you miss episode 1-5??????



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