US Election Live: Trump Beat Clinton to take White House .. Details…

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Judging by the present polls count, Trump now has 274 votes and Hilary Clinton 218. 270 votes is needed to win the election, which makes Trump the Winner of the election. Trump just confirmed that Hilary Clinton called her to accept her defeat and congratulate him for the Victory. This is contrary to the hope and aspiration of many Africans though.


Breakdown of the election details…

Donald Trump was nearing the critical 270 electoral-vote mark early Wednesday after notching a string of projected battleground victories in Wisconsin, Iowa, Florida, North Carolina and Ohio — though Hillary Clinton’s campaign showed no signs of giving up the fight.

Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta tried to keep spirits up as he addressed supporters early Wednesday morning in New York City – declaring several states were “too close to call” and they would wait for votes to be counted.

“We can wait a little longer, can’t we?” he said. “They’re still counting votes, and every vote should count.”

Clinton herself did not appear at the rally. Podesta urged supporters to “head home” and said they would not have “anything more to say tonight.”

Fox News projects that Clinton will win the swing states of Nevada, Virginia and Colorado. She also is projected to win California, a solidly blue state that is worth 55 electoral votes.

But Trump continues to hold the electoral-vote lead as he nears the necessary 270 to win.

His victory in Florida comes in the biggest and most significant battleground state that was up for grabs Tuesday night. And in winning Wisconsin, he becomes the first Republican presidential candidate to win the state since 1984; it was a major setback for Clinton, who was widely expected to win there.

It was too early or close to call other vital battlegrounds, including: Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan and New Hampshire.

“We’re feeling buoyant,” Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told Fox News.

While the outcome of the big swing state races is unclear, Fox News can project that Trump will win in Georgia, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. In Nebraska, one of just two states that does not use a winner-take-all system of awarding delegates, Fox News can project that Trump will win four electoral votes. It is too early to say who will win the final vote in that state. Trump earlier claimed projected victories in South Carolina, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Tennessee.

Clinton, meanwhile, is projected to win delegate-rich New York. Clinton was projected to easily win her home state of Illinois, and is also projected to win Oregon, Hawaii, Washington state, New Mexico, Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Rhode Island, Vermont, Delaware and the District of Columbia. In Maine, Fox News can project that Clinton will win three electoral votes, though it’s too early to say who will win the fourth and final vote.

The incoming returns follow a frenzied day of voting across America marked by long lines and last-minute appeals for support from both campaigns.

While the race has tightened in recent days, the Democratic nominee still seemed to enter Election Day with the edge on the electoral map in her quest to become the first woman elected U.S. president. But Trump voiced confidence Tuesday about his chances in key battlegrounds.

“We’re going to win a lot of states,” the Republican nominee told Fox News, as he aims for an upset victory to cap his improbable campaign which came from behind to vanquish 16 competitors in the rowdy Republican primaries.

The general election race between Clinton and Trump has been no less grueling.

The presidential debates were marked by outbursts, interruptions and name-calling, as the candidates dealt before, during and after with a slew of campaign twists that kept the race in flux all the way to Election Day.

The most recent bombshell was FBI Director James Comey’s announcement 11 days before the election that the bureau was revisiting the investigation into Clinton’s personal email server use while secretary of state, after discovering new messages on the laptop of disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of a top Clinton aide. He closed the case again on Sunday, but Trump already was using the brief probe to revive the email controversy in the final days. The WikiLeaks release of emails hacked from Campaign Chairman John Podesta’s account also has become a constant distraction for the Democrat’s campaign, as the messages revealed infighting, internal ethical concerns about the Clinton family’s foundation and even evidence that the now-head of the Democratic National Committee leaked town hall questions to Clinton during the primaries.

Meanwhile, Trump dealt with – and denied – numerous allegations of sexual harassment and assault that came out in October, following leaked footage from over a decade ago showing Trump making crude comments about women.

The candidates swept all that aside in the closing hours of the race, as Clinton cast herself as a unifying force after a divisive election and Trump cast his bid as the vehicle to bring jobs and security back to America.

“Today is our independence day, today the American working class is going to strike,” Trump said in Grand Rapids, Mich., overnight.

Clinton, in North Carolina, said, “We have to bridge the divides in this country.”

No matter who wins, the 45th president will take office to an anti-establishment mood in the electorate and deep voter dissatisfaction with the direction of the country. Concerns about health care, the economy, terrorism and illegal immigration dominated the race and are unlikely to be settled by Tuesday’s vote.

Voters were also deciding Tuesday whether Republicans should keep control of both the Senate and House of Representatives. Fox News projects the GOP will hold the House, though the race for the Senate has not yet been called.

Meanwhile, hundreds of state and local races including hot-button ballot initiatives are being decided as well.


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