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# Dare of be different#………………………………………………………………………………………………..


If you want to get what everyone is getting, do what everyone is doing.. otherwise, dare to change…


We can’t keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result…




Being different means not afraid to challenge the norm – being  willing to take a chance


Making your own track, not just following the well trodden path ; charting your own course and destiny; being the person you were meant to be


I believe everyone is born unique…



through the years, we conform to society’s so called “common sense” that does not mean “good sense”…


 Dare to be unique this week..



Tell urself


” I know i have an abundance of potential, I can be different, I am special, I’m a boss, I’ve gat all it takes to make a difference around me and live happily..


As I will always say, the journey of a thousand miles starts with a step.. Dare to start… Its a gradual process.. You gonna get there….



I am jeje, I just wanna Make Common Sense………




If you’ve been inspired by this, click the facebook share button below and share with your friends…..  See you again nextweek….




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